Brexit – Time To Get Things Back On Track…

With the Brexit debacle continuing to ridiculous proportions, perhaps it’s time for everyone to step back and take stock of the whole situation. Plus


It doesn’t seem to be in anyone’s interest to step out of their own shoes and into someone else’s – but that is what needs to happen. For the sake of the Country.

Also, we need to decide what kind of a ‘democracy’ we wish to be going forward. Or if we are even able to carry on being one at all after all of this.

From my understanding, the word democracy involves actually completely factoring in the voice of the electorate to Parliamentary decisions – however unpopular those decisions may be.

If that is not the case – I wish someone could explain what we are to have instead? Because it looks as though everyone in the ‘Westminster bubble’ is burying their heads in the sand and pretending we did not vote on the referendum. They are in denial. And the louder and harder they try to convince themselves and everyone else that it is “their way or the highway”, the more the Country enters a dark and dangerous road of no return.

Are we seriously considering now that Parliament steers everyone into remaining in the European Union regardless of the voice of the electorate? Because that is what it looks like they are planning to do.

In this case, we will have to seriously reconsider the very fabric of our Politics.

Could Parliament exist without the electorate? Don’t we pay their wages?

Boris said a law has just been passed that would force him to beg Brussels for an extension to the Brexit deadline. And said “This is something I will never do”.
And who can blame him?  Especially taking into consideration that any delay would cost £1 billion per month!

Boris is simply trying to do what we asked him to do – like any other election or vote.

Maybe it is the word ‘referendum’ which is confusing to people. Maybe that is why Ministers are not taking the electorate seriously – or think that they know better than the British Public.

In this case, all of those who are insistent on having a second referendum should be glad for the opportunity of a second ‘vote/election’ – call it what you will.

Because it is clear that Westminster is split down the middle between remain and leave. And many, many Ministers interviewed this week on the TV (on all stations) have intimated that saying “we need a deal” actually translates into “we must remain in the EU”. With statements like “For some people we could sit another thousand days and still not get a deal because they don’t want to leave.” (When discussing a potential extension.)

Another Minister said “People who are saying no to no deal – are actually saying no to Brexit.”

And Lord Bridges said “There is no chance of compromise. Parliament is broken – an election is the only way.”

And an election is the only way before the 31st October preferably. Those who do not want one are obviously procrastinating because they think they might lose. One Minister interviewed this week – when asked why she didn’t want one – jokingly said “we want to have one when we know we are going to win.” But afterwards went into a long drawn out explanation.

You must all understand that the British Public should not and will not be ignored.

An election is the only way forward – surely?

Let’s get this whole thing back on track.  Ideology and wishful thinking have taken over from recognising what actually needs to be done here – and that is to fulfill the will of the British People….!

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