This young brand, launched by Valeria SAAD in 2019, started a compact showcase off with a collection centered around the catastrophic impact of the modern industries on the environment. This collection was a self-admitted eco-manifesto for the modern age, utilizing natural fabrics and hues, with a clear preference towards minimalist, clean tailoring.

While mass-production overwhelms factories in Bangladesh and South-East Asia, smaller European brands are making a conscious choice towards downsizing and utilizing locally-sourced materials.

A video presentation featured models, adnrogynous and serious, set against a montage of immense waste management facilities and empty streets of NYC – an all-too-familiar sight these days. The garments were similarly genderless – soft robes of asphalt-colored fabric and beige loose-cut jackets. The subtitles stated that we continue to produce and consume, but that our fast-fashion, more means more approach will certainly not be working for much longer.