Alexis Mabille




Reflections of a Woman / Reflets de Femme

“Descriptions of women are like a jeweler’s windows.  In them we see strands of gold, emerald eyes, pearly teeth and coral lips. What might one discover if things went further!”  Journal de Jules Renard, 1887 – 1892

With his Autumn/Winter 2012/13 Couture Collection, Alexis Mabille envisages women as jewels.  When he opens his jewel box captivating visions emerge, their multiple facets revealed by light. Precious and stately, these muses impose their charms – naturally attractive even in the rough.

“Reflets de femme”

“Les descriptions de femme ressemblent a des vitrines de bijoutier.  On y voit des cheveux d’or, des yeux d’emeraude, des dents perles, des levres de corail.  Qu’est-ce, si l’on va plus loin dans l’intimite!” Journal de Jules Renard 1887 – 1892

Avec sa collection Couture Automn/Hiver 2012/13, Alexis Mabille envisage la femme comme un bijou.  Il ouvre son ecrin et libere et libere des creatures captivants, don la lumiere revele les mutiples facettes.  Precieuses et hieratiques, ces muses imposent leur charisme, naturellement attirantes mem a l’etat brut.

1.        Zircon

Long fourreau col haut de jersey-gaine noir, a rails de boutons cristaux Swarovski Elements devant, au dos et aux cotes.

Long dress in black stretch jersey, with high neck and rows of Swarovski Elements crystal buttons in the front, in the back and on the sides.

2.      Emeraude

Robe manches chauve-souris de velours de soie emeraude et guimpe d’organza noir a large collier en trompe-l’oeil de Swarovski Elements, boutonnee de cristaux et ceinturee d’un noeud.

Dress in emerald silk velvet and black organza wimple with batwing sleeves, large trompe l’oeil necklace made with Swarovski Elements, crystal buttons and bow belt.

3.  Malachite

Bolero de velours de soie emeraude a grande collerette en volants d’organza effiloche en degrade aigue-marine, turquoise et emeraude, a longues manches fendues doublees de crepe aigue-marine.

Sur un long fourreau de velours de soie labradorite.

Bolero in emerald silk velvet with wide ruff in tiers of frayed organza in graduated shades of aquamarine, turquoise, and emerald, and long angel sleeves lined with aquamarine crepe.  Worn over a long, labradorite sheath in silk velvet.

4.  Obsidienne

Long fourreau de velours de soie onyx vert et saphir, haut fendu devant et dos, manches chauve-souris.

Long silk velvet dress in onyx green and sapphire, with top slit in front and back, batwing sleeves.

5.  Email noir

Paletot en organza brodeen tressage noir.

Blouse in white silk with lace trim on collar and cuffs.

Slim pants in black duchesse satin.

6.  Cristal

Long fourreau portefeuille de crepe noir a col de dentelle rebrode de nacre, perles et Swarovski Elements et borde d’organza effiloche, fendu sur un fond de  robe plisse soleil blanc.

Long wrap dress in black crepe with a lace collar embroidered with mother-of-pearl, pearls and Swarovski Elements, frayed organza trim on collar and slit skirt revealing white sun pleats.

7.  Bijou

Queue de pie de faille de laine noire a parements de satin duchesse et manches boutonnees jusqu’a l’epaule.

Gilet de gazar blanc a boutons de nacre et cristal.

Chemise et corsaire d’organza brode perfore blanc.

Tailcoat in black wool faille with duchesse satin facing and sleeves buttoned to the shoulders.  Vest in white gazar with mother-of-pearl and crystal buttons.

Shirt and capri pants in perforated white embroidered organza.

8.  Pierre de lune

Longue robe corolle dos-nu en organza brode et perfore noir brode de Swarovski Elements, manches longues, ceinture-ruban de velours de soie sous la poitrine nouee au dos.

Long, backless black corolla dress in perforated organza embroidered with Swarovski Elements, long sleeves and a silk velvet ribbon belt tied at the back.

9.  Opale

Long fourreau a dos fendu de crepe peau, et grande cape a vagues d’organza plisse effiloche nude, rose et blanc.

Long, nude dress in crepe, with slit back and ample flounced, pleated and frayed cape in nude, pink and white.

10.  Topaze

Long fourreau fronce et noue a l’avant en lame or rose et topaze, amanches longues effet bolero.

Long gathered dress in pink gold and topaz lame, with tie front and long Bolero-style sleeves.

11.  Long fourreau manches longues delame argent et amethyste, a drape    poitrine retenu par une bande de crepe amethyste.

Long dress in silver and amethyst lame, with draped bust gathererd into an amethyst crepe band, long sleeves.

12.  Aigue-marine

Long fourreau effet cape, a drape en cercle ajoure entre les seins, en lame or pale et turquoise et goutte de cristal Swarovski Elements.

Long dress with draped circle detail and cape effect, in pale gold and turquoise lame with Swarovski Elements crystal.

13.  Mother-of-pearl

Robe courte en lame or pale, a decollete corolle en dentelle blanche rebrodee de nacre, perles et Swarovski Elements.

Short dress in pale gold lame with corolla neckline in white lace embroidered with mother-of-pearl, pearls and Swarovski Elements.

14.  Platinum

Robe asymetrique de dentelle vieil argent rebrodee au cordonnet, retenue a l’epaule par un noeud de sangle argentee.

Assymetrical dress in antiqued silver lace embroidered with cordonnet, anchored on one shoulder by a silver bow.

15.  Trois ors

Robe d’organza peau et paillettes stretch argent, habillee de volutes rebrodees de cannetilles et lames or rose, or vif et ruthenium.

Dress in nude organza and silver stretch sequins, embellished with arabesques embroidered with cannetilles in rose gold, yellow gold and ruthenium.

17.  Onyx

Robe courte en paillettes stretch noires, rebrodee au decollete de volutes de cannetilles et lames or rose, or vif et platine.

Short dress in black stretch sequins embroidered at the neckline with cannetille arabesques in rose gold,yellow gold and platinum thread.

18.  Marcasite

Longue robe de paillettes stretch rethenium, rebrodee aux epaules et manches de volutes de cannetilles et lames or rose, or vif et platine, ceinturee d’une sangle vieil or.

Long dress in ruthenium stretch sequins, embroidered at the shoulders and sleeves with cannetilles in rose gold, yellow gold and platinum thread:  antiqued gold belt.

19.  Saphir

Longe robe corolle manches longues en paillettes stretch bleu scorodite, a decollete en ogive et gros noeud de radzimir noir a l’epaule.

Long, corolla dress in scorodite blue stretch sequins, ogival neckline, black radzimir bow on a shoulder and long sleeves.

20.  Jet

Long fourreau de crepe noir a drape noue denudant le corps.

Long dress with integrated cape draped from the bust in ruby crepe lined with black.

22.  Spinelle

Long fourreau de crepe spinelle a bustier croise noir a pans jetes sur les epaules.

Long dress in spinel crepe with a crossover black bustier and panels at the shoulders.

23.  Grenat

Long fourreau de crepe grenat a bustier de radzimir noue au dos et drape en benitier double noir.

Long dress in garnet crepe with a radzimir bustier tied in back, draped back and black lining.

24.  Tanzanite

Robe Kaftan decolletee en coeur de crepe tanzanite borde de lame assorti.

Kaftan dress in tanzanite crepe with heart-shaped neckline and matching lame trim.

25.  Ecrin

Long  fourreau de crepe noir incruste de dentelle en transparance au decollete, aux manches et aux cotes.

Long dress in black crepe with lace inlay and see-through panels on the neck, sleeves and sides.

26.  Parure

Long fourreau de crepe noir incruste de dentelle, aux epaules denudees et effet de grande cape de satin noir fendue en manches.

Long dress in black crepe with lace inlay, bare shoulders and cape effect in black satin split into sleeves.

27.  Pepite

Longue robe decolletee en pointe, de dentelle brodee argent et crepe saphir, voilee d’une corolle d’organza assorti, a longues manches en transparence agrafees de broches noeuds eb cristaux et perles.

Long dress in silver embroidered lace and sapphire crepe, veiled with a matching organza corolla, and long transparent sleeves with crystal and pearl bow brooches.

28.  Diamant

Longue robe de crepe peau constellee de cristaux Swarovski Elements, a large decollete en rond et manches kimono incrustes de dentelle peau rebrodee de fils d’argent, voilee d’une corolle d’organza brodee d’argent.

Long dress in nude crepe with a constellation of Swarovski Elements, scoop neckline and kimono sleeves with nude lace inlay embroidered in silver thread, veiled by silver-trimmed organza.