(Scroll Down to Read More about the Amazing & Inspirational RYNSHU….)
“Since ancient times, there has been a tradition that people such as the Samurai, the Shoguns, the Emperors, and Artists change their names with the aim of self development and ‘to go beyond themselves’. For example Hokusai KATSUSHIKA, the famous artist, is know for his multple names. (Sori Gakyojin HOKUSAI, Iitsu…)
These days, a similar tradition is applied especially in the world of Kabuki and Sumo. Each new generation of artists takes the names of their predecessors. Furthermore, there is another fact that also characterizes and illustrates this importance of the name choice. It concerns a Japanese fish called “buri”, which is famous as a symbol of success. The fish takes a different name at each stage of its existence. When young, it’s called “Inada”, “Hamachi” in middle age and “Buri” at the end of it’s life.
Rynshu has chosen to perpetuate this tradition and apply it to his artistic life, so that this moment of his self development is marked and symbolized by a change of name.
Concerning RYNSHU:
MA – JI __________MASATOMO_____________RYNSHU
Born Masotomo YAMAJI, Rynshu established MA-JI CREATION in 1985. His first show MA-JI MASATOMO, in 1986, took place during Tokyo Fashion Week. He decided to change its name to MASATOMO in 1992 and presents his collection, for the first time, during Paris Fashion Week. In 2008, he changed his name to Rynshu HASHIMOTO and founds it’s film production company, “MASATOMO DREAM CORPORATION”. In 2010/11 MASATOMO bacame RYNSHU, and has never stopped since.
RYNSHU has a modern and elegant style, far from conventions, and since his debut as a fashion designer, he has worked without an assistant.
He is in charge of the scenario writing, costume design, creative direction of all his licensed contract brands, and his own brand RYNSHU. He aims to stay active all his life, always trying to ‘go beyond himself’.